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Nakajo A, Shinden Y. Imaging of the Parathyroid Gland. PartⅤ Intraoperative Fluorescence Imaging [Practice]-Imaging of Anatomical Structure. 29. Fluorescence-Guided Surgery. From Lab to Operation Room, Springer,211-216, 2023.
Mori S, Tanabe K, Wada M, Hamada Y, Yasudome R, Sonoda T, Matsushita D, Shimonosono M, Arigami T,Sasaki K, Kurahara H, Nakajo A, Ohtsuka T. Modified pull-through coloanal anastomosis to avoid permanent stomas and reduce postoperative complications for lower rectal tumors. Surg Endosc. 37:6569-6576, 2023.
Arigami T, Natsugoe S. Gastrointestinal Surgery Library: Oesophagus and Stomach, Gastric cancer-Epidemiology, symptoms, diagnosis, and staging, Oxford University Press, 177–185, 2023.
Arigami T, Matsushita D, Shimonosono M, Tsuruda Y, Sasaki K, Baba K, Wada M, Kuroshima N, Kurahara H,Ohtsuka T. Clinical Significance of Recurrence Risk Score for Conversion Surgery in Patients With Advanced Gastric Cancer. Anticancer Res; 43(7): 3305–3310, 2023.
Sasaki K, Tsuruda Y, Shimonosono M, Noda M, Uchikado Y, Omoto I, Setoyama T, Matsushita D, ArigamiT, Baba K, Kurahara H, Ohtsuka T. Comparison of the subtotal and narrow gastric conduit for cervical esophagogastrostomy after esophagectomy in esophageal cancer patients: A propensity score-matched analysis.Esophagus; 21(1): 41-50, 2024.
Kawasaki Y, Yamasaki Y, Idichi T, Oi H, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Ueno S and Ohtsuka T. Usefulness of craniodorsal approach for laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy. Updates Surg. 2023;75:889-895.
Shinden Y, Kamimura K, Hayashi N, Nomoto Y, Nagata A, Eguchi Y, Yano H, Saho H, Nakajo A, Minami K,Hirashima T, Sasaki K, Yoshinaka H, Owaki T, Tanimoto A, Nakamura M, Otsuka T. Relationship between Delayed Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Behavioral Economic Factors and Personality Characteristics. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. Oct 1;24(10):3437-3440. 2023
Yamasaki Y, Kurahara H, Oi H, Hozaka Y, Idichi T, Kawasaki Y, Mataki Y, Ohtsuka T. Metal-free laparoscopicdistal pancreatectomy using transpancreatic mattress suture with polyglycolic acid sheet and fibrin glue. Asian J Endosc Surg: 16 (4); 770-773, 2023.
Tetsuya Idichi, Hiroshi Kurahara, Takao Ohtsuka. 107 Interventional Radiology in the Treatment of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors. The Pancreas: An Integrated Textbook of Basic Science, Medicine, and Surgery, 4th Edition, P829-832, 2023.
Shimonosono M,Arigami T,Matsushita D,Tsuruda Y,Sasaki K,Baba K,Uchikado Y,Kurahara H,Ohtsuka T. Evaluation of quality of life and prognosis of gastric cancer patients after laparoscopic subtotal gastrectomy. Anticancer Res; 44(1): 387-396,2023.
Hozaka Y, Ohtsuka T, Nakamura M, Hijioka S, Unno M, Shimizu Y, Tanabe M, Nagakawa Y, Hatano E, Kawai, M, Sano T, Koshida S, Katanuma A, Kita E, Hanada K, Nakai Y, Aoki T, Serikawa M, Okamoto K, Takeyama Y. Feasibility of surveillance for mucinous cystic neoplasm (MCN) of the pancreas: a multi-institutional retrospective study of 328 patients by the Japanese Pancreatic Society. Pancreas;52(5) : e288-e292, 2023.
Fukuda K, Seki N, Yasudome R, Mitsueda R, Asai S, Kato M, Idichi T, Kurahara H, Ohtsuka T. Coronin1C, Regulated by Multiple microRNAs, Facilitates Cancer Cell Aggressiveness in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Genes (Basel);14 (5):995, 2023.
Matsumoto R, Mori S, Nepal P, Kita Y, Tanabe K, Hokonohara K, Satake S, Hamada Y, Wada M, Arigami T, Sasaki K, Kurahara H, Ohtsuka T. Mucosectomy of the anal canal via transanal minimally invasive surgery combined with transanal total mesorectal excision for familial adenomatous polyposis: A technical note. Colorectal Dis, 25(7) 1529-1533, 2023.
Mitsueda R, Toda H, Shinden Y, Fukuda K, Yasudome R, Kato M, Kikkawa N, Ohtsuka T, Nakajo A, Seki N. Oncogenic Targets Regulated by Tumor-Suppressive miR-30c-1-3p and miR-30c-2-3p: TRIP13 Facilitates Cancer Cell Aggressiveness in Breast Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2023 Aug 21;15(16):4189.
Yoshidome S, Sasaki K, Fumoto H, Tsuruda Y, Shimonosono M, Uchikado Y, Matsushita D, Arigami T, Baba K, Kurahara H, Ohtsuka T. Refractory esophageal–mediastinal fistula successfully treated with endoluminal vacuum therapy and enteral nutrition using a double-lumen elemental diet tube: a case report (Issued on November 23rd, 2023.), General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Cases 2:103, 2023.
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3. Sane S, Fujita Y, Amagai T. Successful preoperative identification of fish bone causing appendicitis using
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4. Kijima Y, Hirata M, Higo N, Toda H, Shinden Y. Oncoplastic breast surgery combining partial mastectomy
with resection of double equilateral triangular skin flaps. Surgery Today 52, 514-518, 2022
5. Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Idichi T, Kawasaki Y, Mori S, Sasaki K, Arigami T, Nakajo A, Fukukura Y, Higashi M,
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6. Arigami T, Matsushita D, Okubo K, Shimonosono M, Sasaki K, Tsuruda Y, Kita Y, Tanabe K, Mori S, Yanagita S, Uenosono Y, Nakajo A, Kurahara H, Ohtsuka T. A prognostic scoring system for conversion surgery after trastuzumab-based chemotherapy for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive advanced gastric cancer. Surg Today; 52(12):1721–1730, 2022.
7. Arigami T, Matsushita D, Okubo K, Tanaka T, Sasaki K, Tsuruda Y, Kita Y, Mori S, Kurahara H, Uenosono Y,Ohtsuka T. Changes in Chemotherapeutic Strategies and Their Prognostic Impact in Patients With Advanced
Gastric Cancer. In Vivo; 36(1):409–415, 2022.
8. Sasaki K, Tsuruda Y, Shimonosono M, Noda M, Uchikado Y, Arigami T, Matsushita D, Kita Y, Mori S,
Kurahara H, Nakajo A, Ohtsuka T. A comparison of the surgical invasiveness and short-term outcomes
between thoracoscopic and pneumatic mediastinoscopic esophagectomy for esophageal cancer. Surgery Today;52:1759-1765, 2022.
9. Sasaki K, Tsuruda Y, Shimonosono M, Noda M, Uchikado Y, Arigami T, Matsushita D, Kita Y, Mori S,
Kurahara H, Nakajo A, Ohtsuka T. Additional effects of Docetaxel on neoadjuvant radiotherapy with
Cisplatin/5-Fluorouracil for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Anticancer research; 42: 3905-3911, 2022.
10. Tanoue K, Mataki Y, Kurahara H, Idichi T, Kawasaki Y, Yamasaki Y, Kita Y, Hozaka Y, Oi H, Nakajo A,
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neoplasm of the pancreas: three case reports. Surg Case Rep. 2022; 8(1): 7.
11. Kawasaki Y, Yamasaki Y, Hozaka Y, Oi H, Sonoda T, Fukuda K, Idichi T, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Ueno S,
Ohtsuka T. Surgical Stress Evaluation of Left Lateral Sectionectomy Based on Skeletal Muscle Catabolism.
Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech; 32( 4): 435-440, 2022.
12. Shimonosono M, Sasaki K, Tsuruda Y, Noda M, Uchikado Y, Arigami T, Matsushita D, Mori S, Kurahara H,
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13. Satake S, Arigami T, Matsushita D, Okubo K, Shimonosono M, Sasaki K, Tsuruda Y, Tanabe K, Mori S,
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14. Hozaka Y, Oi H, Satake S, Uchino Y, Goto Y, Idichi T, Tanoue K, Yamasaki Y, Kawasaki Y, Mataki Y, Kurahara H, Nakajo A, Higashi M, Tanimoto A, Sugiura T, Ohtsuka T: Are intra-tumoral microbiota involved in the progression of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas? Surgery, Online ahead of print.,
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15. Yasudome R, Seki N, Asai S, Goto Y, Kita Y, Hozaka Y, Wada M, Tanabe K, Idichi T, Mori S, Ohtsuka T,
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16. Fukuda K, Arigami T, Tokuda K, Yanagita S, Matsushita D, Kawasaki Y, Iino S, Sasaki K, Nakajo A, KirishimaM, Tanimoto A, Tsubouchi H, Kurahara H, Ohtsuka T. Successful conversion surgery for stage IV gastric cancer with liver metastases after second-line chemotherapy with ramucirumab and paclitaxel:a case report. Surgical Case Reports;8( 1):58, 2022.
17. Hidaka Y, Arigami T, Osako Y, Desaki R, Hamanoue M, Takao S, Kirishima M, Ohtsuka T. Conversion surgery for microsatellite instability-high gastric cancer with a complete pathological response to pembrolizumab: a case report. World J Surg Oncol; 20(1): 193, 2022
18. Hidaka Y, Tomita M, Desaki R, Hamanoue M, Takao S, Kirishima M, Ohtsuka T. Conversion surgery for
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19. Hidaka Y, Watanabe S, Nishikawa Y, Irie I. A Comprehensive Oral Intake Evaluation Tool (the Kuchi-kara
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20. Nagata A, Shinden Y, Nomoto Y, Saho H, Nakajo A, Minami K, Kumagae Y, Kirishima M, Owaki T, Ohtsuka T. Metastasis of breast cancer to the right kidney with a tumor thrombus in the inferior vena cava: a case report. Surg Case Rep. 2022; 8(1): 13.
21. Matsumoto R, Sasaki K, Noda M, Tsuruda Y, Kita Y, Uchikado Y, Matsushita D, Arigami T, Mori S, Ohtsuka T. Successful thoracoscopic resection of an esophageal bronchogenic cyst. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg; 70
22. Iio S, Hozaka Y, Tanoue K, Idichi T, Fukuda K, Nakashima T, Yasudome R, Yamasaki Y, Kawasaki Y, Arigami T, Nakajo A, Higashi M, Mataki Y, Kurahara H, Ohtsuka T. Curative resection after chemotherapy and
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23. Hokonohara K, Nepal P, Mori S, Kita Y, Tanabe K, Kurahara H, Arigami T, Matsushita D, Sasaki K,
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24. Nakayama C, Tanoue K, Idichi T, Shimomura H, Kita Y, Hozaka Y, Shinden Y, Matsushita D, Nakajo A,
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21. 喜島祐子,平田宗嗣,肥後直倫,戸田洋子,野元優貴,永田彩子,新田吉陽.乳房温存オンコプラスティックサージャリー ステップアップガイド―Volume displacement:ステップ 2 - ① ―Periareolar mammoplasty.Oncoplastic Breast Surgery 7(2):42-52, 2022
22. 喜島祐子,平田宗嗣,肥後直倫,戸田洋子. 乳房温存オンコプラスティックサージャリー ステップアップガイド―Volume replacement:ステップ 1―胸背皮膚脂肪筋膜弁(thoracodorsal adipofascial cutaneous flap)による補填術.Oncoplastic Breast Surgery 7(3):1-9, 2022
23. 喜島祐子,平田宗嗣,肥後直倫,戸田洋子. 乳房温存オンコプラスティックサージャリー ステップアップガイド―Volume displacement:ステップ 2―V-mammoplasty.Oncoplastic Breast Surgery 7(4):121-130,2022
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1. Maemura K, Mataki Y, Kurahara H, Tanoue K, Kawasaki Y, Ijichi T, Iino S, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. The 1-year outcomes after pancreaticogastrostomy using vertical versus horizontal mattress suturing for gastric wrapping. Surg Today; 51 : 511-519, 2021.
2. Nakajo A, Minami K, Shinden Y, Hirashima T, Saho H, Nomoto Y, Nagata A, Ohtsuka T. The usefulness and utilization of a detachable steel wire-rimmed retractor (KN retractor) for endoscopic thyroid and parathyroid surgery. Surg Today; 51 (1) : 159-164, 2021.
3. Kijima Y, Hirata M, Higo N, Toda H. Oncoplastic breast surgery combining partial mastectomy with V-rotation mammoplasty for breast cancer on the upper inner area of the breast. Surgery Today; 51 (7) : 1241-1245, 2021
4. Kijima Y, Hirata M, Higo N, Toda Y, Shinden Y, Morise Z, Natsugoe S. Immediate breast reconstruction with expander following recurrent lesion resection and exchange to silicon breast implant in a pregnant triple negative breast cancer patient. Gland Surg; 10 (5) : 1792-1799, 2021
5. Mataki Y , Kurahara H, Idichi T , Tanoue K, Hozaka Y , Kawasaki Y, Iino S , Maemura K, Shinchi H, Ohtsuka T. Clinical Benefits of Conversion Surgery for Unresectable Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: A Single-Institution, Retrospective Analysis. Cancers (Basel); 13 (5) : 1057, 2021.
6. Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Idichi T, Iino S, Kawasaki Y, Arigami T, Mori S, Sasaki K, Shinchi H, Ohtsuka T. Effectiveness of adjuvant therapy in patients with pancreatic cancer who underwent neoadjuvant therapy. Ann Surg Oncol; 20 : 89-94, 2021.
7. Arigami T, Matsushita D, Okubo K, Sasaki K, Noda M, Kita Y, Mori S, Kurahara H, Yanagita S, Uenosono Y, Ishigami S, Ohtsuka T. Prognostic impact of surgery after chemotherapy for type 4 gastric cancer. Surg Today; 51 (11) : 1851–1859, 2021.
8. Arigami T, Matsushita D, Okubo K, Sasaki K, Tsuruda Y, Kita Y, Mori S, Yanagita S, Uenosono Y, Kurahara H, Ohtsuka T. Prognostic Significance of HER2 Expression for Gastric Cancer With Clinically Para-aortic Lymph Node Metastasis. Anticancer Res; 41 (6) : 3099–3107, 2021.
9. Sasaki K, Osako Y, Urata M, Noda M, Tsuruda Y, Uchikado Y, Omoto I, Kita Y, Matsushita D, Okubo K, Arigami T, Mori S, Kurahara H, Natsugoe S, Ohtsuka T. Clinical outcomes of fully covered self-expanding metallic stent placement for palliation of incurable esophageal cancer with or without radiotherapy. Anticancer Research; 41(1) : 385-389, 2021.
10. Sasaki K, Omoto I, Uchikado Y, Okumura H, Noda M, Tsuruda Y, Kita Y, Arigami T, Mori S, Kurahara H, Nakajo A, Koriyama C, Natsugoe S, Ohtsuka T. Comparison of greater curvature and lesser curvature circular-stapled esophagogastrostomy after esophagectomy in patients with esophageal cancer: a prospective randomized controlled trial. Surgery Today; 51 : 575-581, 2021.
11. Kawasaki Y, Iino S, Yamasaki Y, Hozaka Y, Idichi T, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Ueno S, Ohtsuka T. Useful Technique for Creating a Good Liver Parenchymal Visual Transection Plane During Laparoscopic Partial Hepatectomy. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech; 32 (1) : 41-45, 2021.
12. Tanoue K, Kawasaki Y, Yamasaki Y, Iino S, Sakoda M, Mataki Y, Idichi T, Kita Y, Hozaka Y, Nakajo A, Arigami T, Kurahara H, Ohtsuka T. Postoperative recurrence with right cervical lymph node metastasis in hepatocellular carcinoma: a case report. Surg Case Rep; 7 (1) ; 260, 2021.
13. Okubo K, Arigami T, Matsushita D, Kijima T, Shimonosono M, Uenosono Y, Yanagita S, Kurahara H, Mori S, Ohtsuka T. Clinical impact of creatine phosphokinase and c-reactive protein as predictors of postgastrectomy complications in patients with gastric cancer. BMC Cancer; 21 (1) : 95,2021.
14. Okubo K, Arigami T, Matsushita D, Tanaka T, Tsuruda Y, Noda M, Sasaki K, Mori S, Kurahara H, Ohtsuka T. Clinical impact of the Prognostic Nutritional Index as a Predictor of Outcomes in Patients with Stage II/ III Gastric Cancer: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Oncology; 99 (6) : 380-388, 2021
15. Okubo K, Arigami T, Matsushita D, Uenosono Y, Yanagita S, Kijima T, Tsuruda Y, Noda M, Sasaki K, Mori S, Kurahara H, Ohtsuka T. The Clinical Significance of CA19-9 and Tumor Size Ratios for Predicting Prognosis After Conversion Surgery in Patients With Stage IV Gastric Cancer. Anticancer Research ; 41 (11) : 5643-5649, 2021
16. Shimonosono M, Tanaka K, Flashner S, Takada S, Matsuura N, Tomita Y, Sachdeva UM, Noguchi E, Sangwan V, Ferri L, Momen-Heravi F, Yoon AJ, Klein-Szanto AJ, Diehl JA, Nakagawa H. Alcohol Metabolism Enriches Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cancer Stem Cells That Survive Oxidative Stress via Autophagy. Biomolecules; 11 (10) : 1479, 2021.
17. Yuki Nomoto, Heiji Yoshinaka, Yasuyo Ohi, Naoki Hayashi, Yuka Eguchi, Hazuki Saho, Ayako Nagata, Yasuaki Sagara, Yoshiaki Shinden, and Takao Ohtsuka. Cystic neutrophilic granulomatous mastitis during pregnancy: A case report,medical Journal of Kagoshima University; 23-27, 2021.
18. Hozaka Y, Seki N, Tanaka T, Asai S, Moriya S, Idichi T, Wada M, Tanoue K, Kawasaki Y, Mataki Y, Kurahara H, Ohtsuka T. Molecular pathogenesis and regulation of the miR-29-3p-family: Involvement of ITGA6 and ITGB1 in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Cancers(Basel);13 (11):2804,2021.
19. Hozaka Y, Kurahara H, Oi H, Idichi T, Yamasaki Y, Kawasaki Y, Tanoue K, Jinguji M, Nakajo M, Tani A, Nakajo A, Mataki Y, Fukukura Y, Noguchi H, Higashi M, Yoshiura T, Tanimoto A, Ohtsuka T. Clinical utility and limitation of diagnostic ability for different degrees of dysplasia of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography/computed tomography. Cancers(Basel);13 (18):4633, 2021.
20. Hozaka Y, Kita Y, Yasudome R, Wada M, Tanaka T, Idichi T, Tanabe K, Asai S, Moriya S, Toda H, Mori S, Kurahara H, Ohtsuka T, Seki N. RNA-Sequencing Based microRNA Expression Signature of Colorectal Cancer: The Impact of Oncogenic Targets Regulated by miR-490-3p. International Journal of Molecular Science;22 (18):9876, 2021.
21. Nepal P, Mori S, Kita Y, Tanabe K, Baba K, Sasaki K, Kurahara H, Arigami T, Maemura K, Ohtsuka T, Natsugoe S. Modified Delta-shaped Anastomosis via the Overlap Method Using Linear Staplers for Colon Cancer. J Anus Rectum Colon 2021 Jan 28;5(1):107-111.
22. Nepal P, Mori S, Kita Y, Tanabe K, Baba K, Sasaki K, Kurahara H, Arigami T, Ohtsuka T. Anatomical study of the inferior mesenteric vein using three-dimensional computed tomography angiography in laparoscopy-assisted surgery for left-sided colorectal cancer. Surg Today. 2021 Oct;51(10):1665-1670
1. 夏越祥次.コロナ禍の学会参加.The Japanese Association for Metastasis Research; 58 : 5-6, 2021.
32. 的場康徳, 村田久行、森田達也、宮下光令.がん診療に携わる医師のスピリチュアルケア研修の効果─無意味を訴える患者に対するコミュニケーションの自信,生きる意味への援助の実践の自己評価,患者に対する態度の前後比較試験─.Palliative Care Research; 16 : 45-54, 2021.
・Maemura K, Mataki Y, Kurahara H, Tanoue K, Kawasaki Y, Ijichi T, Iino S, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S.; The 1-year outcomes after pancreaticogastrostomy using vertical versus horizontal mattress suturing for gastric wrapping. Surg Today. doi: 10.1007/s00595-020-02134-z. Online ahead of print. 2020.
・Akihiro Nakajo, Koji Minami, Yoshiaki Shinden, Tadahiro Hirashima, Hazuki Saho, Yuki Nomoto, Ayako Nagata, and Takao Ohtsuka. Upgraded Bidirectional Approach Video-Assisted Neck Surgery: Endoscopic Complete Lymph Node Dissection with Craniocaudal View for Treatment of Thyroid Cancer. VideoEndocrinology. 2020. Vol.7.Issue 4.
・Nakajo A, Minami K, Shinden Y, Hirashima T, Saho H, Nomoto Y, Nagata A, Ohtsuka T. The usefulness and utilization of a detachable steel wire-rimmed retractor (KN retractor) for endoscopic thyroid and parathyroid surgery. Surg Today. 2021. Jan;51(1):159-164.
・Nakajo A, Minami K, Shinden Y, Toda H, Hirashima T, Nagata A, Nomoto Y, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Upgraded bidirectional approach video-assisted neck surgery (BAVANS) using a rigid endoscope with variable viewing direction for advanced endoscopic lymph node dissection in thyroid cancer patients. Surg Today. 2020 Jul;50(7):778-782.
・Kijima Y, Hirata M, Moriser Z, Shinden Y, Natsugoe S. ; Oncoplastic breast surgery combining partial mastectomy with a triangular skin resection and re‑centralization of the nipple‑areola. Surgery Today . 50(12),1707-1711, 2020.
・Yanagi H, Watanabe T, Nishimura T, Hayashi T, Kono S, Tsuchida H, Hirata M, Kijima Y, Takao S, Okada S, Suzuki M, Imaizumi K, Kawada K, Minami H, Gotoh N, Shimono Y. ; Upregulation of S100A10 in metastasized breast cancer stem cells. Cancer Science. 111(12), 4359-4370, 2020.
・Kurahara H, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Tanoue K, Iino S, Kawasaki Y, Idchi T, Arigami T, Mori S, Shinden Y, Higashi M, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Lung recurrence and its therapeutic strategy in patients with pancreatic cancer. Pancreatology. 20:89-94, 2020.
・Arigami T, Matsushita D, Okubo K, Kawasaki Y, Iino S, Sasaki K, Noda M, Kita Y, Mori S, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Yanagita S, Uenosono Y, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Indication and Prognostic Significance of Conversion Surgery in Patients with Liver Metastasis from Gastric Cancer. Oncology; 98: 273–279, 2020.
・Arigami T, Matsushita D, Okubo K, Yanagita S, Ehi K, Sasaki K, Noda M, Kita Y, Mori S, Kurahara H, Uenosono Y, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Response Rate and Prognostic Impact of Salvage Chemotherapy after Nivolumab in Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer. Oncology; 98: 630-636, 2020.
・Arigami T, Matsushita D, Okubo K, Tanaka T, Sasaki K, Noda M, Kita Y, Mori S, Tsuruda Y, Kurahara H, Ohtsuka T. Recurrent gastric cancer sustaining a partial response after the nivolumab discontinuation because of immune-related adverse events: a case report. Surg Case Rep; 6: 271, 2020.
・Arigami T, Matsushita D, Okubo K, Sasaki K, Noda M, Kita Y, Mori S, Kurahara H, Yanagita S, Uenosono Y, Ishigami S, Ohtsuka T, Natsugoe S. Clinical Significance of Conversion Surgery for Gastric Cancer with Peritoneal Dissemination: A Retrospective Study. Oncology; 98: 798-806, 2020.
・Kita Y, Mori S, Tanabe K, Baba K, Tanoue K, Idichi T, Wada M, Arigami T, Sasaki K, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Clinical prospects for laparoscopic stoma closure of a temporary loop ileostomy: Initial experience and report. Asian J Endosc Surg. 13(4):618-62. 2020. PMID: 32066199
・Daisuke Matsushita, Takaaki Arigami, Keishi Okubo, Ken Sasaki, Masahiro Noda, Yoshiaki Kita, Shinichiro Mori, Yoshikazu Uenosono, Takao Ohtsuka, Shoji Natsugoe. The Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of a Liquid Biopsy for Esophageal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Cancers (Basel),. 2020 Oct 21;12(10):3070. doi: 10.3390/cancers12103070.
・Kawasaki Y, Iino S, Idichi T, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. Characteristic radiological findings indicating the possible involvement of the hepatic hilar lymph nodes in patients with colorectal liver metastasis: Case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2020:72:10-16.
・Kawasaki Y, Iino S, Idichi T, et al. Anatomic Indications for Using Actuator-driven Pulsed Water Jet for Hepatectomy. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2020:30:e33-e38.
・Okubo K, Arigami T, Matsushita D, Sasaki K, Kijima T, Noda M, Uenosono Y, Yanagita S, Ishigami S, Maemura K, Natsugoe S.;Evaluation of postoperative quality of life by PGSAS-45 following local gastrectomy based on the sentinel lymph node concept in early gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer. 23(4), 746-753,2020.
・Shinden Y, Saho H, Nomoto Y, Nagata A, Minami K, Nakajo A, Akahane T, Hiraki T, Tanimoto A, Owaki T, Kijima Y, Natsugoe S. Breast cancer with an intraductal component that was proven genetically to be metastasis of contralateral breast cancer: a case report. Surg Case Rep. 2020 Aug 24;6(1):215. doi: 10.1186/s40792-020-00966-y.PMID: 32833091
・Shinden Y, Nagata A, Nomoto Y, Saho H, Nakajo A, Minami K, Owaki T, Ohtsuka T, Kijima Y. Surgical Resection With Pedicled Rotation Flap for Post-mastectomy Locoregional Breast Cancer Recurrence. Anticancer Res. 2020 Oct;40(10):5739-5742. doi: 10.21873/anticanres.14589.
・Tanabe K, Mori S, Kita Y, Wada M, Kenji B, Itaru O, Takaaki A, Satoshi I, Kosei M, Natsugoe S. ; A rare case report of bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia due to persistent Müllerian duct syndrome treated by transabdominal preperitoneal repair. Medicine. 99(7), e19079, 2020
・Takuro Hirano, Yoshinari Shinsato , Kan Tanabe, Nayuta Higa, Muhammad Kamil, Kohichi Kawahara, Masatatsu Yamamoto, Kentaro Minami, Michiko Shimokawa, Takaaki Arigami , Shigehiro Yanagita, Daisuke Matushita, Yoshikazu Uenosono, Sumiya Ishigami, Yuko Kijima, Kosei Maemura, Ikumi Kitazono, Akihide Tanimoto, Tatsuhiko Furukawa, Shoji Natsugoe; FARP1 boosts CDC42 activity from integrin αvβ5 signaling and correlates with poor prognosis of advanced gastric cancer. Oncogenesis. 2020 Feb 6;9(2):13. doi: 10.1038/s41389-020-0190-7.
・.Shimomura H, Okada R, Tanaka T, Hozaka Y, Wada M, Moriya S, Idichi T, Kita Y, Kurahara H, Ohtsuka T, Seki N.; Role of miR-30a-3p Regulation of Oncogenic Targets in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Pathogenesis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21(18), 6459, 2020
・Masumi Wada, Yusuke Goto, Takako Tanaka, Reona Okada, Shogo Moriya, Tetsuya Idichi, Masahiro Noda, Ken Sasaki, Yoshiaki Kita, Hiroshi Kurahara, Kosei Maemura, Shoji Natsugoe, Naohiko Seki:RNA sequencing-based microRNA expression signature in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: oncogenic targets by antitumor miR-143-5p and miR-143-3p regulation. Journal of Human Genetics (2020) 65:1019–1034
・Tadahiro Hirashima, Yoshiaki Shinden, Nijiro Nohata, Hiroko Toda, Reona Okada, Shunichi Asai, Takako Tanaka, Yuto Hozaka, Takao Ohtsuka, Yuko Kijima ,Naohiko Seki; Molecular pathogenesis of breast cancer: impact of miR-99a-5p and miR-99a-3p regulation on oncogenic genes ; J hum Genet. 2020 Nov 12. doi: 10.1038/s10038-020-00865-y.
・Tanaka T, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Yanagita S, Matsushita D, Okubo K, Kijima T, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Mori S, Sasaki K, Omoto I, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S.;S long-term survivor of recurrent esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma treated with multidisciplinary therapy: a case report. Surgical Case Reports. (2020) 6:13
・Tanaka T, Okada R, Hozaka Y, Wada M, Moriya S, Satake S, Idichi T, Kurahara H, Ohtsuka T, Seki N.;Molecular Pathogenesis of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: Impact of miR-30c-5p and miR-30c-2-3p Regulation on Oncogenic Genes. Cancers (Basel). 2020, 12, 2731; doi:10.3390/cancers12102731
・Yuto Hozaka, Yuko Mataki, Hiroshi Kurahara, Kiyonori Tanoue, Tetsuya Idichi, Yota Kawasaki, Satoshi Iino, Pramod Nepal, Takaaki Arigami, Kosei Maemura, Hirotsugu Noguchi, Hiroyuki Shinchi, Akihide Tanimoto, Shoji Natsugoe, Takao Ohtsuka: Usefulness of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose - positron-emission tomography/computed tomography in primary cystadenocarcinoma of the mesentery: A case report. Surg Case Rep, 6(1); 306; Dec 4, 2020
・Matsumoto R, Mori S, Kita Y, Toda H, Sasaki K, Arigami T, Matsushita D, Kurahara H, Maemura K, and Natsugoe S. Multiple liver metastases with synchronous gastric and transverse colon cancer diagnosed by gastric perforation successfully treated by SOX plus bevacizumab and completely resected by surgery: a case report. Surg Case Rep. 2020 Dec; 6: 51.
・Matsumoto R, Arigami T, Matsushita D, Okubo K, Tanaka T, Yanagita S, Sasaki K, Noda M, Kita Y, Mori S, Kurahara H, Ohtsuka T. Conversion surgery for stage IV gastric cancer with a complete pathological response to nivolumab: a case report. World J Surg Oncol. 2020 Jul 21;18(1):179.
・Nepal P, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Kurahara H, Tanoue K, Kawasaki Y, Idichi T, Hozaka Y, Iino S, Mori S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Retroperitoneal schwannoma sandwiched between abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava. A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep;73:112-115 ,2020.
• Committee for Scientific Affairs, The Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery, Shimizu H, Endo S, Natsugoe S, Doki Y, Hirata Y, Kobayashi J, Motomura N, Nakano K, Nishida H, Okada M, Saiki Y, Saito A, Sato Y, Tanemoto K, Toh Y, Tsukihara H, Wakui S, Yokomise H, Masuda M, Yokoi K, Okita Y. Correction to: Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery in Japan in 2016 : Annual report by The Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 67:573-575, 2019.
• Committee for Scientific Affairs, The Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery, Shimizu H, Endo S, Natsugoe S, Doki Y, Hirata Y, Kobayashi J, Motomura N, Nakano K, Nishida H, Okada M, Saiki Y, Saito A, Sato Y, Tanemoto K, Toh Y, Tsukihara H, Wakui S, Yokomise H, Masuda M, Yokoi K, Okita Y. Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery in Japan in 2016 : Annual report by The Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 67:377-411, 2019.
• Kazutaka Yamada, Yasumitsu Saiki, Shota Takano, Kazutsugu Iwamoto, Masafumi Tanaka, Mitsuko Fukunaga, Tadaaki Noguchi, Yasushi Nakamura, Saburo Hisano, Kensaku Fukami, Daisaku Kuwahara, Yoriyuki Tsuji, Masahiro Takano, Koichiro Usuku, Tokunori Ikeda, Ken-ichi Sugihara. Long-term results of intersphincteric resection for lower rectal cancer in Japan. Surgery Today 49 (4): 275-285, 2019.
• Upgraded Bidirectional Approach Video-Assisted Neck Surgery (BAVANS) using a rigid endoscope with variable viewing direction for advanced endoscopic lymph node dissection in thyroid cancer patients. Akihiro Nakajo, Koji Minami, Yoshiaki Shinden, Hiroko Toda, Tadahiro Hirashima, Ayako Nagata, Yuki Nomoto, Kosei Maemura, Shoji Natsugoe. Surg Today. 2019. Nov 5.
• Kijima Y, Hirata M, Shinden Y, Utsumi T, Morise Z, Natsugoe S. Oncoplastic breast surgery combining partial mastectomy with immediate breast reshaping using multiple local flaps for a patient with slim body. Breast Cancer (2019) 26:529-5344
• Kurahara H, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Sakoda M, Iino S, Kawasaki Y, Arigami T, Mori S, Kijima Y, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Significance of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake in response to chemoradiotherapy for pancreatic cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 26(2);644-651, 2019.
• Kurahara H, Shinchi H, Ohtsuka T, Miyasaka Y, Matsu8naga T, Noshiro H, Adachi T, Eguchi S, Imamura N, Nanashima A, Sakamoto K, Nagano H, Ohta M, Inomata M, Chikamoto A, Baba H, Watanabe Y, Nishihara K, Yasunaga M, Okuda K, Natsugoe S, Nakamura M. Significance of neoadjuvant therapy for borderline resectable pancreatic cancer: a multicenter retrospective study. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 404(2);167-174, 2019.
• Kurahara H, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Tanoue K, Iino S, Kawasaki Y, Idichi T, Arigami T, Mori S, Shinden Y, Higashi M, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Lung recurrence and its therapeutic strategy in patients with pancreatic cancer. Pancreatology. 2019 Nov 26. [Epub ahead of print]
• Hirahara T, Arigami T, Yanagita S, Matsushita D, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Mori S, Sasaki K, Omoto I, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Okubo K, Uenosono Y, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S: Combined neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-lymphocyte ratio predicts chemotherapy response and prognosis in patients with advanced gastric cancer. BMC Cancer; 19: 672, 2019. *These authors contributed equally to this work.
• Sasaki K, Uchikado Y, Omoto I, Arigami T, Osako Y, Noda M, Okumura H, Maemura K, Higashi R, Yoshiura T, Natsugoe S. Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy with docetaxel, cisplatin, and 5-fluorouracil (DCF-RT) for locally advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. 83: 581-587, 2019.
• Kawasaki Y, Yang SJ, Choi GH, et al. New scoring system for resectable hepatocellular carcinoma with a maximum tumor size of
• Kawasaki Y, Maemura K, Kurahara H, et al. How to isolate and cannulate the main pancreatic duct during the Whipple procedure. ANZ J Surg. 2019:89:1652-1653.
• Yoshiaki Shinden, Kosei Maemura, Motoyuki Hashiguchi, Yota Kawasaki, Hiroshi Kurahara, Yuko Mataki, Satoshi Ino, Masahiko Sakoda and Shoji Natsugoe. Preoperative Changes in Body Weight in Patients with an Insulinoma JOP. J Pancreas (Online) 2019 Jan 30; 20(1):44-47
• Munetsugu Hirata, Yoshiaki Shinden, Ayako Nagata, Yuki Nomoto, Hazuki Saho, Akihiro Nakajo, Takaaki Arigami, Hiroshi Kurahara, Kosei Maemura, Shoji Natsugoe, Yuko Kijima. Clinical Features of Breast Cancer Patients with Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus Type-1 Infection. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 20 (6), 1909-1912.
• Kijima T, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Hiraki T, Yanagita S, Matsushita D, Okubo K, Shimonosono M, Ishigami S, Maemura K, Tanimoto A and Natsugoe S. Comparison of HER2 status before and after trastuzumab-based chemotherapy in patients with advanced gastric cancer. Anticancer research. 40(1):75-80, 2020.
• Toda H, Seki N, Kurozumi S, Shinden Y, Yamada Y, Nohata N, Moriya S, Idichi T, Maemura K, Fujii T, Horiguchi J, Kijima Y, Natsugoe S. RNA-sequence-based microRNA expression signature in breast cancer: tumor-suppressive miR-101-5p regulates molecular pathogenesis. Mol Oncol. 2019 Nov 21. doi: 10.1002/1878-0261.12602. [Epub ahead of print]
• Naoki Hayashi, Yosuke Kuroda, Tomoko Saito, Yusuke Tsuruda, Atsushi Niida, Hajime Otsu, Hidetoshi Eguchi, Takaaki Masuda, Yutaka Suzuki, Shoji Natsugoe, Koshi Mimori. A clinical trial of somatic and germline analyses for healthy longevity in a postoperative cancer patient. Surg Today. 49:738-747, 2019.
• Shimonosono M, Idichi T, Seki N, Yamada Y, Arai T, Arigami T, Sasaki K, Omoto I, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Molecular pathogenesis of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: Identification of the antitumor effects of miR‑145‑3p on gene regulation. Int J Oncol. 54: 673-688, 2019.
• Haruhi Fukuhisa, Naohiko Seki, Tetsuya Idichi, Hiroshi Kurahara, Yasutaka Yamada, Hiroko Toda, Yoshiaki Kita, Yota Kawasaki, Kiyonori Tanoue, Yuko Mataki, Kosei Maemura, Shoji Natsugoe. Gene regulation by antitumor miR-130b-5p in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: the clinical significance of oncogenic EPS8: Journal of Human Genetics 64;521-534,2019.
• Tanaka T, Kita Y, Mori S, Baba K, Tanabe K, Wada M, Tsuruda Y, Tanoue K, Yanagita S, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Three-stage laparoscopic surgery in a morbidly obese patient with Hinchey III diverticulitis: a case report. Surg Case Rep. 15;5(1):24, 2019
• Matsumoto R, Sasaki K, Omoto I, Noda M, Uchikado Y, Arigami T, Kita Y, Mori S, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Successful conservative treatment of spontaneous intrathoracic esophageal perforation using a temporary covered esophageal stent with a check valve: a case report. Surg Case Rep. 2019 Oct 24;5(1):152.
• Nepal P, Mori S, Kita Y, Tanabe K, Baba K, Uchikado Y, Kurahara H, Arigami T, Sakoda M, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Radial incision and cutting method using a transanal approach for treatment of anastomotic strictures following rectal cancer surgery: a case report. World J Surg Oncol. 17(1):48, 2019.
• Nepal P, Mori S, Kita Y, Tanabe K, Baba K, Sasaki F, Nasu Y, Ido A, Uchikado Y, Kurahara H, Arigami T, Sakoda M, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Combined endoscopic submucosal dissection and transanal minimally invasive surgery for the management of lower rectal adenoma extending above the dentate line: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 98(19):e15289, 2019.
• Khalid M, Idichi T, Seki N, Wada M, Yamada Y, Fukuhisa H, Toda H, Kita Y, Kawasaki Y, Tanoue K, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Gene Regulation by Antitumor miR-204-5p in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: The Clinical Significance of Direct RACGAP1 Regulation. Cancers (Basal). 2019 May 7; 11(3)
• Natsugoe S. Editor: Lymph Node Metastasis in Gastrointestinal Cancer pp1-pp358, Springer,2019.
• Takaaki Arigami, Shoji Natsugoe: Gastric cancer-Epidemiology, Symptoms, Diagnostics, and Staging, Oxford University Press, 2019.
• Sasaki K, Natsugoe S. Clinical Aspect: Chemo- and/or Radiation Therapy and Micrometastasis. Lymph Node Metastasis in Gastrointestinal Cancer. 237-248, 2019.
• Omoto I, Uchikado Y, Sasaki K, Arigami T, Natsugoe S. 9, Clinical Aspect: Esophageal Cancer. Part II Lymph Node Micrometastasis. Lymph Node Metastasis in Gastrointestinal Cnacer. Springer.195-208, 2019.
• Committee for Scientific Affairs, The Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery, Masuda M, Endo S, Natsugoe S, Shimizu H, Doki Y, Hirata Y, Kobayashi J, Motomura N, Nakano K, Nishida H, Okada M, Saiki Y, Saito A, Sato Y, Tanemoto K, Toh Y, Tsukihara H, Wakui S, Yokomise H, Yokoi K, Okita Y. Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery in Japan during 2015 : Annual report by The Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 66:581-615, 2018
S. Endo and S. Natsugoe contributed equally.
• Ishigami S, Aridome K, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Okumura H, Kita Y, Kurahara H, Hokita S, Natsugoe S. Roux-en-Y Plus Distal Jejunal Pouch After Total Gastrectomy: A Prospective Study. Anticancer Res. 2018;38(10):5837-5841.
• Okumura H, Noda M, Natsugoe S. ASO Author Reflections: Biomarkers for Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Therapy in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. 2018 Oct 4. doi: 10.1245/s10434-018-6837-3.
• Kijima Y, Hirata M, Shinden Y, Utsumi T, Morise Z, Natsugoe S. Clinical experiences for oncoplastic breast surgery improve a cosmetic outcome and reduce postoperative complications. Clinics in Surgery 2018; 3: Article20145
• Mori S, Kita Y, Baba K, Yanagi M, Tanabe K, Uchikado Y, Kurahara H, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Mataki Y, Nakajo A, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Laparoscopic complete mesocolic excision via mesofascial separation for left-sided colon cancer. Surg Today. 48:274-281,2018
• Kurahara H, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Sakoda M, Iino S, Kawasaki Y, Arigami T, Mori S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Prediction of postoperative early recurrence and prognosis in pancreatic cancer patients. Int Surg. 102: 272-277, 2017.
• Kurahara H, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Sakoda M, Iino S, Kawasaki Y, Arigami T, Mori S, Kijima Y, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Significance of glucose transporter type 1 (GLUT-1) expression in the therapeutic strategy for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. 25: 1432-1439, 2018.
• Kurahara H, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Sakoda M, Iino S, Kawasaki Y, Arigami T, Mori S, Kijima Y, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. A therapeutic strategy for resectable pancreatic cancer based on risk factors of early recurrence. Pancreas. 47: 753-758, 2018.
• Kurahara H, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Sakoda M, Iino S, Kawasaki Y, Arigami T, Mori S, Kijima Y, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Significance of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake in response to chemoradiotherapy for pancreatic cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. [Epub ahead of print], 2018.
• Hiwatashi K, Okumura H, Setoyama T, Ando K, Ogura Y, Aridome K, Maenohara S, Natsugoe S. Evaluation of laparoscopic cholecystectomy using indocyanine green cholangiography including cholecystitis: A retrospective study. Medicine (Baltimore). 97(30): e11654, 2018
• Prognostic significance of CD68,CD163 and Folate receptor-β positive macrophages in hepatocellular carcinoma .Minami K, Hiwatashi K, Ueno S, Sakoda M, Iino S, Okumura H, Hashiguchi M, Kawasaki Y, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S.Exp Ther Med. 2018 May;15(5):4465-4476.
• A case of adult Undifferentiated Sarcoma of liver with intraatrial Metastasis.Minami K, Sakoda M, Iino S, Hiwatashi K, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Kurahara H, Kawasaki Y, Tsuruda Y, Setoyama T, Okumura H, Maenohara S, Natsugoe S.Gan To Kagaku Ryoho. 2018 Apr;45(4):721-724. Review. Japanese.
• Sasaki K, Uchikado Y, Omoto I, Amatatsu M, Megumi K, Okumura H, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Multidisciplinary therapy for metastatic primary malignant melanoma of the esophagus: A case report. Molecular and Clinical Oncology. 8: 528-532, 2018.
• Okubo K, Uenosono Y, Arigami T, Matsushita D, Yanagita S, Kijima T, Amatatsu M, Ishigami S, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Quantitative assessment of fluorescence intensity of ICG in sentinel nodes in early gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer. 21 (5): 776-781, 2018
• Yamasaki Y, Ishigami S, Arigami T, Kita Y, Uchikado Y, Kurahara H, Kijima Y, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Expression of gremlin1 in gastric cancer and its clinical significance. Med Oncol.35:30, 2018
• Kijima T, Nakagawa H, Shimonosono M, Chandramouleeswaran PM, Hara T, Sahu V, Kasagi Y, Kikuchi O, Tanaka K, Giroux V, Muir AB, Whelan KA, Ohashi S, Naganuma S, Klein-Szanto AJ, Shinden Y, Sasaki K, Omoto I, Kita Y, Muto M, Bass AJ, Diehl JA, Ginsberg GG, Doki Y, Mori M, Uchikado Y, Arigami T, Avadhani NG, Basu D, Rustgi AK, Natsugoe S. Three-Dimensional Organoids Reveal Therapy Resistance of Esophageal and Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 Sep 14;7(1):73-91.
• Idichi T, Seki N, Kurahara H, Fukuhisa H, Toda H, Shimonosono M, Okato A, Arai T, Kita Y, Mataki Y, Kijima Y, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Molecular pathogenesis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: Impact of passenger strand of pre-miR-148a on gene regulation. Cancer Science. 109(6): 2013-2026, 2018
• Idichi T, Seki N, Kurahara H, Fukuhisa H, Toda H, Shimonosono M, Yamada Y, Arai T, Kita Y, Kijima Y, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Involvement of anti-tumor miR-124-3p and its targets in the pathogenesis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: direct regulation of ITGA3 and ITGB1 by miR-124-3p. Oncotarget. 22;9(48): 28849-28865, 2018
• The association of human endogenous retrovirus-H long terminal repeat-associating protein 2 (HHLA2) expression with gastric cancer prognosis. Shimonosono M, Arigami T, Yanagita S, Matsushita D, Uchikado Y, Kijima Y, Kurahara H, Kita Y, Mori S, Sasaki K, Omoto I, Maemura K, Uenosono Y, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Oncotarget. 9:22069-22078, 2018.
• Molecular pathogenesis of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: Identification of the antitumor effects of miR1453p on gene regulation. Shimonosono M, Idichi T, Seki N, Yamada Y, Arai T, Arigami T, Sasaki K, Omoto I, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Int J Oncol. 54:673-688, 2019.
• Yusuke Tsurudsa, Hiroshi Okumura, Tstsuro Setoyama, Kiyokazu Hiwatashi, Koji Minami, Kei Ando, Masumi Wada, Shigeho Maenohara, Shoji Natsugoe.Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with aberrant bile duct detected by intraoperative fluorescent cholangiography concomitant with angiography: A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 51, 14-16.2018
• Hiroko Toda, Sasagu Kurozumi, Yuko Kijima, Yoshiaki Shinden,Tetsuya Idichi, Yasutaka Yamada, Takayuki Arai, Kosei Maemura, Takaaki Fujii, Jun Horiguchi, Shoji Natsugoe, Naohiko Seki. Molecular pathogenesis of triple negative breast cancer based on miRNA expression signature: anti-tumor miR-204-5p targeting AP1S3. J Hum Genet 63:1197–1210,2018.
• Yuki Nomoto, Yuko Kijima, Yoshiaki Shinden, Munetugu Hirata,Yuka Eguchi, Heiji Yoshinaka, Ikumi Kitazono, Tsubasa Hiraki, Akihide Tanimoto and Shoji Natsugoe ; Two Cases of Radiation-associated Angiosarcoma of the Breast. Surgical Case Reports.4:132. 2018
• Yuki Nomoto, Heiji Yoshinaka, Yasuyo Ohi, Naoki Hayashi, Ayako Nagata, Kazunobu Sueyoshi, Yuka Eguchi, Yoshiaki Shinden, Yuko Kijima and Shoji Natsugoe ; Apocrine papillary lesion: Comparison of pathological findings from 22 years previously and the present.Breast Cancer. 2018
• Yuto Hozaka, Hiroshi Kurahara, Yota Kawasaki, Yuko Mataki, Satoshi Iino, Masahiko Sakoda, Shinichiro Mori, Hiroyuki Shinchi, Kosei Maemura, Shoji Natsugoe. Severe Pancreatitis with Colonic Perforation Successfully Managed Using Video-assisted Retroperitoneal Debridement: A Case Report.Int J Surg Case Rep;52:23-27,2018.
• Nepal P, Mori S, Kita Y, Tanabe K, Baba K, Uchikado Y, Kurahara H, Arigami T, Sakoda M, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Management of a case of high-risk gastrointestinal stromal tumor in rectum by transanal minimal invasive surgery. World journal of surgical oncology. 2018 Dec;16(1):165.
• Natsugoe S, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Yanagita S: Novel surgical approach based on the sentinel node concept in patients with early gastric cancer. Ann Gastroenterol Surg 1:180-185, 2017
• Maemura K, Mataki Y, Kurahara H, Kawasaki Y, Iino S, Sakoda M, Uchikado Y, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Mori S, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S.;Gemcitabine and S-1 Induction Chemotherapy Followed by Chemoradiotherapy for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancers. Anticancer Res. 37:233-237.2017.
• Maemura K, Mataki Y, Kurahara H, Kawasaki Y, Mori S, Iino S, Sakoda M, Uchikado Y, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Mori S, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S.; Effect of visual feedback during laparoscopic basic training using a box trainer with a transparent top. Ann Gastroenterol Surg. 1:129-135. 2017.
• Maemura K, Mataki Y, Kurahara H, Kawasaki Y, Iino S, Sakoda M, Ueno S, Arimura T, Higashi R, Yoshiura T, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S.; Comparison of proton beam radiotherapy and hyper-fractionated accelerated chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced pancreatic cancer. Pancreatology. 17:833-838.2017. doi: 10.1016/j.pan.2017.07.191.
• Akihiro Nakajo, Hideo Arima, Munetsugu Hirata, Yoshie Yamashita, Yoshiaki Shinden, Naoki Hayashi, Yota Kawasaki, Takaaki Arigami, Yasuto Uchikado, Shinichiro Mori, Yuko Mataki, Masahiko Sakoda, Yuko Kijima, Yoshikazu Uenosono, Kosei Maemura & Shoji Natsugoe. Bidirectional Approach of Video-Assisted Neck Surgery (BAVANS): Endoscopic complete central node dissection with craniocaudal view for treatment of thyroid cancer. Asian J Endosc Surg. 2017 Feb;10(1):40-46.
• Sakoda M, Iino S, Mataki Y, Kawasaki Y, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. Influence of a Shorter Duration of Post-Operative Antibiotic Prophylaxis on Infectious Complications in Patients Undergoing Elective Liver Resection. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 18(2):149-156, 2017
• Mori S, Kita Y, Baba K, Yanagi M, Tanabe K, et al. Laparoscopic complete mesocolic excision via combined medial and cranial approaches for transverse colon cancer. Surg Today. 2017 47(5):643-649.
• Mori S, Kita Y, Baba K, Yanagi M, Tanabe K, Uchikado Y, Kurahara H, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Mataki Y, Nakajo A, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Laparoscopic complete mesocolic excision via mesofascial separation for left-sided colon cancer. Surg Today. 2017 Aug 23.
• Kurahara H, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Sakoda M, Iino S, Kawasaki Y, Mori S, Arigami T, Kijima Y, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Indication of extrahepatic bile duct resection for gallbladder cancer. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2017 [Epub ahead of print]
• Kurahara H, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Sakoda M, Iino S, Kawasaki Y, Arigami T, Mori S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Prediction of postoperative aearly recurrence and prognosis in pancreatic cancer patients. International Surg. 2017 [in press]
• Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Yanagita S, Okubo K, Kijima T, Matsushita D, Amatatsu M, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Clinical significance of circulating tumor cells in blood from patients with gastric cancer (Review article). Ann Gastroenterol Surg; 1: 60-68, 2017.
• Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Yanagita S, Okubo K, Kijima T, Matsushita D, Amatatsu M, Hagihara T, Haraguchi N, Mataki Y, Ehi K, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Clinical application and outcomes of sentinel node navigation surgery in patients with early gastric cancer. Oncotarget; 8: 75607-75616, 2017.
• Haraguchi N, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Yanagita S, Uchikado Y, Mori S, Kurahara H, Kijima Y, Nakajo A, Maemura K, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Clinical significance of primary tumor score determined by tumor depth and size in patients with resectable gastric cancer. Oncotarget, 2017 (in press). *These authors contributed equally to this work.
• Shigehiro Yanagita, Yoshikazu Uenosono, Takaaki Arigami, Yoshiaki Kita, Shinichiro Mori, Shoji Natsugoe. Utility of the sentinel node concept for detection of lateral pelvic lymph node metastasis in lower rectal cancer. BMC Cancer. 19;17(1):433. 2017
• Sasaki K, Uchikado Y, Okumura H, Omoto I, Kita Y, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Owaki T, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Role of 18F-FDG-PET/CT in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. Anticancer Res. 37: 859-864, 2017.
• Sasaki K, Kurahara H, Young ED, Natsugoe S, Ijichi A, Iwakuma T, Welch DR. Genome-wide in vivo RNAi screen identifies ITIH5 as a metastasis suppressor in pancreatic cancer. Clin Exp Metastasis. 34: 229-239, 2017.
• Koji Minami, Hiroshi Okumura, Kiyokazu Hiwatashi, Sumika Matsukita, Tetsuro Setoyama, Kota Minamimagari, Yusuke Tsuruta, Ichiro Kanetsuki, Yoshito Ogura, Shigeho Maenohara, Shoji Natsugoe. Multiple malignant epithelioid mesotheliomas of the liver and greater omentum: a case report and review of the literature. Surg Case Rep. 2017 Dec;3(1):66.
• Tanoue K, Rosewell Shaw A, Watanabe N, Porter C, Rana B, Gottschalk S, Brenner M, Suzuki M. Armed Oncolytic Adenovirus-Expressing PD-L1 Mini-Body Enhances Antitumor Effects of Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells in Solid Tumors. Cancer Research. 77(8): 2040-2051, 2017
• Kawasaki Y, Hwang HK, Kang CM, Natsugoe S, Lee WJ. Improved perioperative outcomes of laparoscopic distal pancreatosplenectomy: modified lasso technique. ANZ J Surg. 2017.
• Kawasaki Y, Maemura K, Kurahara H, et al. Usefulness of fluorescence vascular imaging for evaluating splenic perfusion. ANZ J Surg. 2018.
• Shinden Y, Nakajo A, Arima H, Tanoue K, Hirata M, Kijima Y, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Intraoperative Identification of the Parathyroid Gland with a Fluorescence Detection System. World J Surg. 41(6):1506-1512, 2017.
• Shinden Y, Kijima Y, Hirata M, Nakajo A, Tanoue K, Arigami T, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Clinical characteristics of breast cancer patients with mental disorders. Breast. 36:39-43, 2017.
• Shinden Y, Sugimachi K, Tanaka F, Fujiyoshi K, Kijima Y, Natsugoe S, Mimori K. Clinicopathological characteristics of disseminated carcinomatosis of the bone marrow in breast cancer patients. Molecular and clinical oncology. Published online on: November 15; 93-98, 2017.
• Okubo K, Uenosono Y, Arigami T, Mataki Y, Matsushita D, Yanagita S, Kurahara H, Sakoda M, Kijima Y, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Clinical impact of circulating tumor cells and therapy response in pancreatic cancer. Eur J Surg Oncol. 43(6):1050-1055, 2017
• Okubo K, Uenosono Y, Arigami T, Yanagita S, Matsushita D, Kijima T, Amatatsu M, Uchikado Y, Kijima Y, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Clinical significance of altering epithelial-mesenchymal transition in metastatic lymph nodes of gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer. 20 (5): 802-810, 2017
• Osako Y, Seki N, Koshizuka K, Okato A, Idichi T, Arai T, Omoto I, Sasaki K, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Regulation of SPOCK1 by dual strands of pre-miR-150 inhibit cancer cell migration and invasion in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. J Hum Genet. 62: 935-944, 2017.
• Yonemori K, Seki N, Kurahara H, Osako Y, Idichi T, Arai T, Koshizuka K, Kita Y, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. ZFP36L2 promotes cancer cell aggressiveness and is regulated by antitumor microRNA-375 in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Cancer Sci. 108(1):124-135. 2017.
• Yonemori K, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Sakoda M, Iino S, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Impact of Snail and E-cadherin expression in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Oncol Lett. 14(2):1697-1702. 2017.
• Yonemori K, Seki N, Idichi T, Kurahara H, Osako Y, Koshizuka K, Arai T, Okato A, Kita Y, Arigami T, Mataki Y, Kijima Y, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. The microRNA expression signature of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma by RNA sequencing: anti-tumour functions of the microRNA-216 cluster. Oncotarget. 26;8(41):70097-70115. 2017.
• Idichi T, Seki N, Kurahara H, Yonemori K, Osako Y, Arai T, Okato A, Kita Y, Arigami T, Mataki Y, Kijima Y, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Regulation of actin-binding protein ANLN by antitumor miR-217 inhibits cancer cell aggressiveness in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Oncotarget. 8(32): 53180–53193, 2017.
• Noda M, Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Omoto I, Sasaki K, Kita Y, Mori S, Tetsuhiro O, Takaaki A, Uenosono Y, Nakajo A, Kijima Y, Ishigami S, Maemura K, Natsugoe S Correlation Between Biomarker Candidate Proteins with the Effect of Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Therapy on Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Ann Surgical Oncology. (printing)
• Fukuhisa H, Sakoda M, Hiwatashi K, Iino S, Minami K, Hashiguchi M, Kawasaki Y, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Shinchi H, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. Surgical treatment for the excluded bile leakage from Spiegel lobe after right hemihepatectomy: A case report. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 39:159-163, 2017.
・Kuniaki Aridome, Shin-Ichirou Mori, Kenji Baba, Masayuki YanagI, Masahiro Hamanoue, Futoshi Miyazono, Kouki Tokuda, Hiroshi Imamura, Yoshito Ogura, Kouichi Kaneko, Fumio Kijima, Kousei Maemura, Sumiya Ishigami and Shoji Natsugoe. A phase II, randomized study of aprepitant in the prevention of chemotherapyinduced nausea andvomiting associated with moderately emetogenic chemotherapies in colorectal cancer patients. Molecular and Clinical Oncology. 4:393-398, 2016.
・Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Omoto I, Hayashi N, Matsumoto M, Sasaki K, Setoyama T, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Matsushita D, Desaki R, Noda M, Higo N, Okubo K, Urata M, Yamasaki Y, Owaki T, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Clinical analysis of the diagnosis and treatment of esophageal perforation. Esophagus 13:146-150, 2016.
・Okumura H, Mori N, Tanaka T, Morita M, Toh Y, Saeki H, Maehara Y, Nakamura K, Honda H, Yoshida N, Baba H, Natsugoe S. Clinical features and treatment of patients with esophageal cancer and a history of gastrectomy: a multicenter, questionnaire survey in Kyushu, Japan. Dis Esophagus 29:1135-1143, 2016.
・Akihiro Nakajo, Hideo Arima, Munetsugu Hirata, Yoshie Yamashita, Yoshiaki Shinden, Naoki Hayashi, Yota Kawasaki, Takaaki Arigami, Yasuto Uchikado, Shinichiro Mori, Yuko Mataki, Masahiko Sakoda, Yuko Kijima, Yoshikazu Uenosono, Kosei Maemura & Shoji Natsugoe. Bidirectional Approach of Video-Assisted Neck Surgery (BAVANS): Endoscopic complete central node dissection with craniocaudal view for treatment of thyroid cancer. Asian J Endosc Surg. Epub 2016 Sep 21.
・Yuko Kijima, Heiji Yoshinaka, Munetsugu Hirata, Yoshiaki Shinden, Akihiro Nakajo, Hideo Arima, Hiroshi Kurahara, Sumiya Ishigami, Takaaki Arigami, Hiroshi Okumura, Shoji Natsugoe. Therapeutic mammoplasty combining partial mastectomy with nipple-areola grafting for patients with early breast cancer. Surgery Today. 45:1187-1195, 2016.
・Sakoda M, Iino S, Mataki Y, Kawasaki Y, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. Influence of a Shorter Duration of Post-Operative Antibiotic Prophylaxis on Infectious Complications in Patients Undergoing Elective Liver Resection. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2016 Dec 1. [Epub ahead of print]
・Sakoda M, Ueno S, Iino S, Hiwatashi K, Minami K, Kawasaki Y, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Survival Benefits of Small Anatomical Resection of the Liver for Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Impaired Liver Function, Based on New-Era Imaging Studies. J Cancer. 7:1029-36, 2016
・Mori S, Kita Y, Baba K, Yanagi M, Tanabe K, et al. Laparoscopic complete mesocolic excision via combined medial and cranial approaches for transverse colon cancer. Surg Today. 2016, 26
・Kurahara H, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Sakoda M, Iino S, Kawasaki Y, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Kijima Y, Shinchi H, Takao S, Natsugoe S. Preoperative biliary drainage-related inflammation is associated with shorter survival in biliary tract cancer patients. Int J Clin Oncol. 21:934-939, 2016.
・Kurahara H, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Sakoda M, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Impact of p53 and PDGFR-β expression on metastasis and progression of patients with pancreatic cancer. 40:1977-1984, 2016
・Kurahara H, Bohl C, Natsugoe S, Nishizono Y, Harihar S, Iwakuma T, Welch DR. Suppression of pancreatic cancer growth and metastasis by HMP19 identified through genome-wide shRNA screen. Int J Cancer. 139:628-638, 2016.
・Kurahara H, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Sakoda M, Iino S, Kawasaki Y, Mori S, Kijima Y, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Takao S, Natsugoe S. Relationship between the surgical margin status, prognosis, and recurrence in extrahepatic bile duct cancer patients. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2016 [Epub ahead of print]
・Kurahara H, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Sakoda M, Iino S, Arigami T, Mori S, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Takao S, Natsugoe S. Clinical significance of serum carbohydrate antigen 19.9 and duke pancreatic monoclonal antigen type 2 for the prediction of hematogenous metastases in patients with pancreatic ducal adenocarcinoma. Pancreatology. S1424-3903(16):31215-7, 2016.
・Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Matsushita D, Yanagita S, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Mori S, Kijima Y, Okumura H, Maemura K, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Combined fibrinogen concentration and neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio as a prognostic marker of gastric cancer. Oncol Lett;11:1537-1544, 2016.
・Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Ishigami S, Okubo K, Kijima T, Yanagita S, Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Kijima Y, Nakajo A, Kurahara H, Kita Y, Mori S, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. A Novel Scoring System Based on Fibrinogen and the Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio as a Predictor of Chemotherapy Response and Prognosis in Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer. Oncology;90:186-192, 2016.
・Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Yanagita S, Okubo K, Kijima T, Matsushita D, Amatatsu M, Hagihara T, Haraguchi N, Mataki Y, Ehi K, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Sentinel node navigation surgery for gastroduodenal neuroendocrine tumors: Two case reports. Medicine (Baltimore);95:e4063, 2016.
・Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Ishigami S, Yanagita S, Okubo K, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Mori S, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Clinical Impact of Stomach-partitioning Gastrojejunostomy with Braun Enteroenterostomy for Patients with Gastric Outlet Obstruction Caused by Unresectable Gastric Cancer. Anticancer Res;36:5431-5436, 2016.
・Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Ishigami S, Yanagita S, Okubo K, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Mori S, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Clinical Significance of the Glasgow Prognostic Score in Patients with Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors. Anticancer Res;36:6687-6690, 2016.
・Hiwatashi K, Ueno S, Sakoda M, Iino S, Minami K, Mori S, Kita Y, Baba K, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. The Evaluation of Liver Function and Surgical Influence by ICGR15 after Chemotherapy for Colorectal Liver Metastases. J Cancer. 18: 595-599, 2016
・Hiwatashi K, Ueno S, Sakoda M, Iino S, Minami K, Yonemori K, Nishizono Y, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Expression of Maternal Embryonic Leucine Zipper Kinase (MELK) Correlates to Malignant Potentials in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Anticancer Res.36: 5183-5188, 2016
・Kita Y, Yonemori K, Osako Y, Baba K, Mori S, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Noncoding RNA and colorectal cancer: its epigenetic role. J Hum Genet. 2016 Jun 9. doi: 10.1038/jhg.2016.66. 2016
・Maeda K, Ding Q, Yoshimitsu M, Kuwahata T, Miyazaki Y, Tsukasa K, Hayashi T, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S, Takao S. CD133 Modulate HIF-1α Expression under Hypoxia in EMT Phenotype Pancreatic Cancer Stem-Like Cells. IJMS. 1025;17(7), 2016.
・Yoshiaki Shinden, Hiroki Ueo, Taro Tobo, Ayako Gamachi, Mitsuaki Utou, Hisateru Komatsu, Sho Nambara, Tomoko Saito, Masami Ueda, Hidenari Hirata, Shotaro Sakimura, Yuki Takano, Ryutaro Uchi, Junji Kurashige, Sayuri Akiyoshi, Tomohiro Iguchi, Hidetoshi Eguchi, Keishi Sugimachi, Yoko Kubota, Yuichiro Kai, Kenji Shibuta, Yuko Kijima, Heiji Yoshinaka, Shoji Natsugoe, Masaki Mori, Yoshihiko Maehara, Masayo Sakabe, Mako Kamiya, John W. Kakareka, Thomas J. Pohida, Peter L. Choyke, Hisataka Kobayashi, Hiroaki Ueo, Yasuteru Urano, Koshi Mimori. Rapid diagnosis of lymph node metastasis in breast cancer using a new uorescent method with γ-glutamyl hydroxymethyl rhodamine green. Sci Rep. Jun 9;6:27525, 2016.
・Yoshiaki Shinden, Yuko Kijima, Munetsugu Hirata, Hideo Arima, Akihiro Nakajo, Kiyonori Tanoue, Kosei Maemura, Shoji Natsugoe. Clinical Significance of the Histoculture Drug Response Assay in Breast Cancer. Anticancer Res. 36:6173-6178, 2016.
・Osako Y, Seki N, Kita Y, Yonemori K, Koshizuka K, Kurozumi A, Omoto I, Sasaki K, Uchikado Y, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Regulation of MMP13 by antitumor microRNA-375 markedly inhibits cancer cell migration and invasion in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Int J Oncol. 49:2255-2264, 2016.
・Kijima T, Arigami T, Uchikado Y, Uenosono Y, Kita Y, Owaki T, Mori S, Kurahara H, Kijima Y, Okumura H, Maemura K, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Combined Fibrinogen and Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio as a Prognostic Marker of Advanced Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancer Sci. 2016 Nov
・Naoki Hayashi, Hiroshi Okumura, Yasuto Uchikado, Itaru Omoto, Yoshiaki Kita, Ken Sasaki, Tetsuhiro Owaki, Sumiya Ishigami, Shoji Natsugoe, Successful management of esophageal perforation using a removable self-expanding covered metallic stent after endoscopic submucosal dissection for a patient with a history of gastrectomy. Esophagus. 13:395-399, 2016.
・Yonemori K, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer. J Hum Genet. 62: 33-40, 2016.
・Shimonosono M, Ishigami S, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Kijima Y, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Natsugoe S:A case report of curative distal gastrectomy for stage IV gastric cancer after chemoradiotherapy in a patient with a gastrojejunal gastric bypass. Surg Case Rep. 2:131,2016.
・Kuniaki Aridome, Shin-Ichirou Mori, Kenji Baba, Masayuki YanagI,Masahiro Hamanoue, Futoshi Miyazono, Kouki Tokuda, Hiroshi Imamura, Yoshito Ogura, Kouichi Kaneko, Fumio Kijima,Kousei Maemura, Sumiya Ishigami and Shoji Natsugoe: A phase II, randomized study of aprepitant in the prevention of chemotherapy?induced nausea andvomiting associated with moderately emetogenic chemotherapies in colorectal cancer patients. Molecular and Clinical Oncology, 4, 393-398. http://dx.doi.org/10.3892/mco.2015.724, 2015
・Ishigami S, Arigami T, Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Kijima Y, Ishihara Y, Sasaki K, Uenosono Y, Natsugoe S. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-E and HLA-F expression in gastric cancer. Anticancer Res. 2015 ;35(4):2279-85.
・Owaki T, Kijima Y, Yoshinaka H, Hirata M, Okumura H, Ishigami S, Nerome Y, Takezaki T, Natsugoe S. Present status of endoscopic mastectomy for breast cancer. World J Clin Oncol. 6(3): 25-29; 2015.
・Maemura K, Shinchi H, Mataki Y, Kurahara H, Iino S, Sakoda M, Ueno S, Takao S, Natsugoe S.: Assessment of percutaneous laparoscopic ultrasonography-guided core needle biopsy for the advanced diagnosis of unresectable pancreatic cancer. JOP. 16:45-49. doi: 10.6092/1590-8577/2891. 2015.
・Maemura K, Mataki Y, Kurahara H, Mori S, Higo N, Sakoda M, Iino S, Nakajo A, Ishigami S, Ueno S, Takao S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S.: Pancreaticogastrostomy after Pancreaticoduodenectomy Using Twin Square Wrapping with Duct-to-Mucosa Anastomosis. Eur Surg Res. 55:109-118. doi: 10.1159/000433425. 2015.
・Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Omoto I, Hayashi N, Matsumoto M, Sasaki K, · Setoyama T, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Matsushita D, Desaki R, Noda M, Higo N, Okubo K, Urata M, Yamasaki Y, Owaki T, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Clinical analysis of the diagnosis and treatment of esophageal perforation. Esophagus Epub ahead of print, 2015
・Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Matsumoto M, Omoto I, Sasaki K, Kita Y, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Nakajo A, Owaki T, Mori S, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Clinical significance of mediastinoscope-assisted transhiatal esophagectomy in patients with esophageal cancer. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 400; 699-706, 2015
・Okumura H, Mori N, Tanaka T, Morita M, Toh Y, Saeki H, Maehara Y, Nakamura K, Honda H, Yoshida N, Baba H, Natsugoe S. Clinical features and treatment
of patients with esophageal cancer and a history of gastrectomy: a multicenter, questionnaire survey in Kyushu, Japan. Dis Esophagus Epub ahead of print, 2015
・Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Omoto I, Motomura M, Kita Y, Sasaki K, Noda M, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Baba K, Mori S, Kijima Y, Nakajo A, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Sakoda M, Owaki T, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Ferredoxin Reductase Is Useful for Predicting the Effect of Chemoradiation Therapy on Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Anticancer Res. 35; 6471-6474, 2015
・Yuko Kijima, Heiji Yoshinaka, Munetsugu Hirata, Akihiro Nakajo, Hideo Arima, Yoshiaki Shinden, Tetsuya Ijichi, Yuka Eguchi, Hiroshi Okumura, Yoshikazu Uenosono, Hiroshi Kurahara, Sumiya Ishigami and Shoji Natsugoe. Impaired wound healing and expansion of a large ulcer in a patient with skin metastases on the anterior chest wall from breast cancer after an injection of bevacizumab with paclitaxel. Surg Today 45(4):498-502, 2015
・Kijima Y, Koriyama C, Fujii T, Hirokaga K, Ishigure K, Kaneko T, Kayano S, Miyamoto S, Sagara Y, Sakurai T, Sakurai T, Sotome K, Ueo H, Wakit K, and Watatani M. Immediate breast volume replacement using a free dermal fat graft after breast cancer surgery: Multi-institutional joint research of short-term outcomes in 262 Japanese patients. Gland Surgery 4(2):179-194, 2015
・Mori S, Kita Y, Baba K, Yanagi M, Okumura H, Natsugoe S. Laparoscopic complete mesocolic excision via reduced port surgery for treatment of colon cancer. Dig Surg.32:45-51,2015
・Mori S, Baba K, Yanagi M, Kita Y, Yanagita S, Uchikado Y, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Okumura H, Nakajo A, Maemuras K, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Laparoscopic complete mesocolic excision with radical lymph node dissection along the surgical trunk for right colon cancer. Surg Endosc. 29:34-40,2015
・Kurahara H, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Sakoda M, Iino S, Kijima Y, Ishigami S, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Predictors of early stages of histological progression of branch duct IPMN. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 400:49-56, 2015.
・Kurahara H, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Sakoda M, Iino S, Hiwatashi K, Kawasaki Y, Arigami T, Ishigami S, Kijima Y, Shinchi H, Takao S, Natsugoe S. Prognostication by inflammation-based score in patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer treated with chemoradiotherapy. Pancreatology. 15:688-693, 2015.
・Arigami T, Okumura H, Matsumoto M, Uchikado Y, Uenosono Y, Kita Y, Owaki T, Mori S, Kurahara H, Kijima Y, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Analysis of the Fibrinogen and Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Promising Blood Marker of Tumor Progression and Prognosis. Medicine (Baltimore). 94:e1702, 2015.
・Hiwatashi K, Ueno S, Sakoda M, Iino S, Minami K, Yamasaki Y, Okubo K, Noda M, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Problems of Long Survival Following Surgery in Patients with NonBNonC-HCC: Comparison with HBV and HCV Related-HCC. J Cancer. 7;6(5):438-47, 2015.
・Yanagita S, Uenosono Y, Arigami T, Matsushita D, Okubo K, Kijima T, Arima H, Hirata M, Haraguchi N, Hagihara T, Nishizono Y, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. The clinical usefulness of the intraoperative detection of sentinel lymph node metastases by a rapid RT-PCR system in patients with gastric cancer.Cancer. 2015 Oct 19. doi: 10.1002/cncr.29740. [Epub ahead of print]
・Kita Y, Mori S, Baba K, Uchikado Y, Arigami T, Idesako T, Okumura H, Ishigami S, Nakagawa M, Natsugoe S. Mucinous adenocarcinoma emerging in sigmoid colon neovagina 40 years after its creation: a case report. World J Surg Oncol. Jul 11;13(1):213. Doi 10.1186/s12957-015-0636-0. 2015
・Matsushita D, Uenosono Y, Arigami T, Yanagita S, Nishizono Y, Hagihara T, Hirata M, Haraguchi N, Arima H, Kijima Y, Kurahara H, Maemura K, Okumura H, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S.Clinical Significance of Circulating Tumor Cells in Peripheral Blood of Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. 2015 Oct;22(11):3674-80. Epub 2015 Feb 5.
・Matsushita D, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Higashi M, Iino S, Sakoda M, Shinchi H, Ueno S, Natsugoe S.Pancreatic hamartoma: a case report and literature review.BMC Gastroenterol. 2016 Jan 14;16(1):3. doi: 10.1186/s12876-016-0419-2.
・Desaki R, Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Sasaki K, Owaki T, Nakajo A, Ishigami S, Kitajima S, Natsugoe S. A case of synchronous thyroid metastasis from esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Esophagus.12:95-99,2015
・Shinden Y, Akiyoshi S, Ueo H, Nambara S, Saito T, Komatsu H, Ueda M, Hirata H, Sakimura S, Uchi R, Takano Y, Iguchi T, Eguchi H, Sugimachi K, Kijima Y, Ueo H, Natsugoe S and Mimori K. Diminished expression of miR-15a is an independent prognostic marker for breast cancer cases. Anticancer Res, 35, 123-128, 2016
・Shinden Y, Iguchi T, Akiyoshi S, Ueo H, Ueda M, Hirata H, Sakimura S, Uchi R, Takano Y, Eguchi H, Sugimachi K, Kijima Y, Natsugoe S, Mimori K. miR-29b is an indicator of prognosis in breast cancer patients. Mol Clin Oncol, Jul;3(4): 919-923, 2015
・喜島祐子.内下領域乳癌病変に対してHorizontal reduction mammoplasty 手技を導入した乳房部分切除を実施した1例(和文にて解説).「Kijima Y, Yoshinaka H, Hirata M, Mizoguchi T, Ishigami S, Nakajo A, Arima H, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. Oncoplastic surgery in a Japanese patient with breast cancer in the lower inner quadrant area: partial mastectomy using horizontal reduction mammoplasty. Breast Cancer. 2014 May;21(3):375-8.より紹介.」症例から学ぶ乳癌最新治療ストラテジー.メディカルレビュー社.2014年3月20日刊行.2015/7/23 Web上に紹介掲載.
・Ishigami S1, Uenosono Y, Arigami T, Yanagita S, Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Kurahara H, Kijima Y, Nakajo A, Maemura K, Natsugoe Clinical utility of perioperative staging laparoscopy for advanced gastric cancer. World J Surg Oncol. 2014 Nov 18;12:350. doi: 10.1186/1477-7819-12-350.
・Maemura K, Mataki Y, Kurahara H, Iino S, Sakoda M, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Takao S, Natsugoe S: Clinical impact of intraoperative navigation using a Doppler ultrasonographic guided vessel tracking technique for pancreaticoduodenectomy. Int Surg. 99:770-778.2014.
・Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Omoto I, Kita Y, Sasaki K, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Matsushita D, Hiraki Y, Owaki T, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. The usefulness of neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy for locally advanced esophageal cancer with multiple lymph-node metastases. Ann Surg Oncol. 21:2845-2849, 2014.
・2. Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Setoyama T, Matsumoto M, Owaki T, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Biomarkers for predicting the response of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma to neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy. Surgery Today 44:421-428, 2014.
・Kijima Y, Yoshinaka H, Hirata M, Mizoguchi T, Ishigami S, Nakajo A, Arima H, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. Oncoplastic surgery in a Japanese patient with breast cancer in the lower inner quadrant area: partial mastectomy using horizontal reduction mammoplasty. Breast Cancer 21:375-378, 2014
・Kijima Y, Yoshinaka H, Shinden Y, Hirata M, Nakajo A, Arima H, Okumura H, Kurahara H, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Oncoplastic breast surgery for centrally located breast cancer: a case series. Gland Surgery 3(1):62-73, 2014
・Kijima Y, Yoshinaka H, Hirata M, Ishigami S, Nakajo A, Arima H, Arigami T, Okumura H, Natsugoe S. Oncoplastic breast surgery combining partial mastectomy with immediate breast reshaping using key hole shaped skin-glandular flap for Paget’s disease. Surgery Today 44: 1783-1788, 2014.
・Kijima Y, Yoshinaka H, Hirata M, Arima H, Nakajo A, Shinden Y, Uenosono Y, Okumura H, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Oncoplastic surgery combining partial mastectomy and immediate volume replacement using a thoracodorsal adipofascial cutaneous flap with a crescent-shaped dermis. Surgery Today 44:2098-2105, 2014
・Sakoda M, Ueno S, Iino S, Hiwatashi K, Minami K, Kawasaki Y, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Uenosono Y, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Anatomical laparoscopic hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma using indocyanine green fluorescence imaging. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 24:878-82, 2014.
・Sakoda M, Ueno S, Iino S, Hiwatashi K, Minami K, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Risk Factors Associated with Surgical Site Infection after Hepatectomy for Liver Disease. Journal of US-China Medical Science. 11:1-8, 2014.
・Iino S, Sakoda M, Minami K, Hiwatashi K, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Shinchi H, Ueno S, Imanaka D, Hashimoto S, Numata M, Ido A, Nakamura K, Yamaguchi K, Yasuda T, Kakihana Y, Natsugoe S. A case report on the usefulness of early endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided transgastric internal stenting for severe blunt pancreatic trauma. Injury Extra 45:65–68,2014.
・Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Ishigami S, Matsushita D, Hirahara T, Yanagita S, Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Nakajo A, Kijima Y, Natsugoe S. Decreased density of CD3+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes during gastric cancer progression. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 29:1435-1441, 2014.
・Kurahara, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Sakoda M, Iino S, Hiwatashi K, Ishigami S, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Closure of the pancreas in distal pancreatectomy: comparison between bare stapler and reinforced stapler. Hepatogastroenterology. 2014;61(136):2367-2370.
・Kita Y, Nishizono Y, Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Sasaki K, Matsumoto M, Setoyama T, Tanoue K, Omoto I, Mori S, Owaki T, Ishigami S, Nakagawa H, Tanaka F, Mimori K, Mori M, Natsugoe S. Clinical and biological impact of cyclin-dependent kinase subunit 2 (CKS2) in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Oncology Rep. 31(5):1986-1992.2014
・Kita Y, Vincent K, Natsugoe S, Berindan-Neagoe I, Calin GA. Epigenetically regulated microRNAs and their prospect in cancer diagnosis. Expert Rev Mol Diagn. 14(6):673-83 2014
・Sakurai T, Okumura H, Matsumoto M , Uchikado Y , Owaki T, Kita Y, Setoyama T, Omoto I, Kijima Y, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Endoglin (CD105) is a useful marker for evaluating microvessel density and predicting the prognosis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Anticancer Research.34:3431-3438(2014)
・Omoto I, Matsumoto M, Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Setoyama T, Kita Y, Owaki T, Sasaki K, Kijima Y, Shinchi H, Ishigami S, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor-c and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-3 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Oncol Lett. 7(4): 1027-1032, 2014.
・Omoto I, Matsumoto M, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Sakurai T, Sasaki K, Setoyama T, Okumura H, Owaki T, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. Immunohistochemical evidence of association between ghrelin expression and tumor growth in esophageal carcinoma. Anticancer Res. 21(9): 2727-2733, 2014.
・Kawasaki Y, Maemura K, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Iino S, Sakoda M, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Takao S, Natsugoe S. Gallbladder adenocarcinoma with sarcoid-like reaction in regional lymph nodes: report of a case.BMC Cancer. 2014 Dec 13;14:946.
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・Kawasaki Y, Ishigami S, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Yanagita S, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Nishizono Y, Okumura H, Nakajo A, Kijima Y, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. Clinicopathological significance of nuclear factor (erythroid-2)-related factor 2 (Nrf2) expression in gastric cancer.BMC Cancer. 2015 Jan 15;15(1):5
・Kiyonori Tanoue, Yuqing Wang, Minako Ikeda, Kaoru Mitsui, Rie Irie, Takao Setoguchi, Setsuro Komiya, Shoji Natsugoe and Ken-ichiro Kosai: Survivin-responsive conditionally replicating adenovirus kills rhabdomyosarcoma stem cells more efficiently than their progeny. Journal of Translational Medicine 12:27, 2014
・Kiyonori Tanoue, Hiroshi Okumura, Yasuto Uchikado, Tetsuhiro Owaki, Masataka Matsumoto, Tetsuro Setoyama, Yoshiaki Kita, Itaru Omoto, Ken Sasaki, Takaaki Arigami, Yoshikazu Uenosono, Sumiya Ishigami, Shoji Natsugoe: A case of superficial esophageal squamous cell carcinoma invading the lamina propria mucosa with a metastatic lymph node along the celiac artery. Esophagus 2014 Feb 25.
・Urata M, Kijima Y, Hirata M, Shinden Y, Arima H, Nakajo A, Koriyama C, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Okumura H, Maemura K, Ishigami S, Yoshinaka H, Natsugoe S. Computed tomography Hounsfield units can predict breast cancer metastasis to axillary lymph nodes. BMC cancer. 14:730, 2014.
・Daisuke Matsushita, Yoshikazu Uenosono, Takaaki Arigami, Shigehiro Yanagita, Yuka Nishizono, Takahiko Hagihara, Munetsugu Hirata, Naoto Haraguchi, Hideo Arima, Yuko Kijima, Hiroshi Kurahara, Kosei Maemura, Hiroshi Okumura, Sumiya Ishigami, Shoji Natsugoe.Clinical Significance of Circulating Tumor Cells in Peripheral Blood of Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. DOI: 10.1245/s10434-015-4392-8, 2015. (in press)
・Shinden Y, Akiyoshi S, Ueo H, Nambara S, Saito T, Komatsu H, Ueda M, Hirata H, Sakimura S, Uchi R, Takano Y, Iguchi T, Eguchi H, Sugimachi K, Kijima Y, Ueo H, Natsugoe S and Mimori K. Diminished expression of miR-15a is an independent prognostic marker for breast cancer cases. Anticancer Res, 35, 123-128, 2015
2.Natsugoe S.: Where will the concept of lymph node micrometastasis advance? Int J Clin Oncol. 18:751, 2013.
3.Ishigami S, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Okumura H, Kurahara H, Uchikado Y, Setoyama T, Kita Y, Kijima Y,Nishizono Y, Nakajo A, Owaki T, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. Clinical implications of DLL4 expression in gastric cancer. J Exp Clin Cancer Res;32:46, doi: 10.1186/1756-9966-32-46, 2013.
4.Ishigami S, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Sasaki K, Okumura H, Kurahara H, Kijima Y,Nakajo A, Maemura K, Natsugoe S. A case of sudden onset septicemia in recurred gastric cancer following s1 plus docetaxel treatment. J Gastric Cancer 13:126-8, 2013.
5.Ishigami S, Arigami T, Setoyama T, Okumura H, Sasaki K, Uchikado Y, Kurahara H, Kijima Y, Nishizono
Y, Nakajo A, Natsugoe S. Clinical-pathological implication of human leukocyte antigen-F-positive gastric adenocarcinoma. J Surg Res 184:802-6, 2013.
6.Ishigami S, Arigami T, Uchikado Y, Setoyama T, Kita Y, Sasaki K, Okumura H, Kurahara H, Kijima Y,Harada A, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. IL-32 expression is an independent prognostic marker for gastric cancer. Med Oncol 30:472, 2013.
7.Owaki T, Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Sasaki K, Matsumoto M, Omoto I, Setoyama T, Kita Y, Sakurai T,Matsushita D, Ishigami S, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. Serum concentrations of antibiotics during severe invasive surgery such as esophagectomy for esophageal cancer. Int Surg. 98:1-5, 2013.
8.Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Matsumoto M, Owaki T, Kita Y, Omoto I, Sasaki K, Sakurai T, Setoyama T,Nabeki B, Matsushita D, Ishigami S, Hiraki Y, Nakajo M, Natsugoe S. Prognostic factors in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy. Int J Clin Oncol. 18:329-34, 2013.
9.Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Matsumoto M, Owaki T, Kita Y, Setoyama T, Omoto I, Sasaki K, Megumi K,Minami K, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S: Surgical treatment for esophageal cancer patients with myelodysplastic syndrome Esophagus 10:149-152, 2013.
10.Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Setoyama T, Matsumoto M, Owaki T, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S: Biomarkers for predicting the response of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma to neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy. Surg Today 2013 Apr 19. [Epub ahead of print]
11.Nakajo A, Arima H, Hirata M, Mizoguchi T, Kijima Y, Mori S, Ishigami S, Ueno S, Yoshinaka H,Natsugoe S: Trans-Oral Video-Assisted Neck Surgery (TOVANS) A new transoral technique of endoscopic thyroidectomy with gasless premandible approach. Surgical Endoscopy, 27:1105-10, 2013.
12.Matsumoto M,Roufail S,Inder R,Caesar C,Karnezis T,Shayan R,Farnsworth RH,Sato T,Achen MG,Mann GB,Stacker SA.Signaling for lymphangiogenesis via VEGFR-3 is required for the early events of metastasis.Clin Exp Metastasis 30(6):819-832,2013.
13.Sakita H, Okumura H, Ishigami S,Matsumoto M, Uchikado Y, Setoyama T, Arigami T, Uenosono Y,Kijima Y, Owaki T, Shinchi H, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. Metachronous esophageal squamous cell cancer after gastrectomy for gastric cancer. Esophagus 10:129-134, 2013.
14.Sakoda M, Ueno S, Iino S, Minami K, Ando K, Kawasaki Y, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Shinchi H,Natsugoe S. Pure laparoscopic subsegmentectomy of the liver using a puncture method for the target portal branch under percutaneous ultrasound with artificial ascites. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 23:e45-8,2013.
15.Sakoda M, Ueno S, Iino S, Minami K, Ando K, Kawasaki Y, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Shinchi H,Natsugoe S. Endoscopic versus open radiofrequency ablation for treatment of small hepatocellular carcinoma. World J Surg. 37:597-601, 2013.
16.Kijima Y, Yoshinaka H, Hirata M, Mizoguchi T, Ishigami S, Arima H, Nakajo A, Ueno S, Natsugoe S:Immediate reconstruction using a modified inframammary adipofascial flap after partial mastectomy. Surgery Today 43:456-60, 2013.
17.Kijima Y, Yoshinaka H, Hirata M, Ishigami S, Nakajo A, Arima H, Arigami T, Okumura H, Natsugoe S:Immediate volume replacement using modified free dermal fat graft from lateral abdomen for a patient with early breast cancer. Int Canc Conf J 82:101-106, 2013
18.Kijima Y, Yoshinaka H, Hirata M, Nakajo A, Arima H, Ishigami S, Ueno S, Natsugoe S: Histological findings of a local adipofascial flap that was implanted during breast conserving surgery. Modern Plastic Surgery 3:43-46, 2013.
19.Kijima Y, Yoshinaka H, Hirata M, Mizoguchi T, Ishigami S, Nakajo A, Arima H, Arigami T, Okumura H,Natsugoe S: Oncoplastic breast surgery combining periareolar mammoplasty with a crescent shaped cutaneous flap for early breast cancer in the upper quadrant area. Surgery Today 43:946-53, 2013.
20.Kijima Y, Yoshinaka H, Hirata M, Shinden Y, Ishigami S, Nakajo A, Arima H, Arigami T, Okumura H,Natsugoe S. Spindle shaped-resection with excessive skin for early breast cancer on upper quadrant area in Japanese patients with ptotic breasts. Modern Plastic Surgery 3:57-64, 2013.
21.Mori S, Baba K, Yanagita S, Kita Y, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Uchikado Y, Okumura H, Nakajo A,Natsugoe: Reduced port surgery for appendectomy: early experience and surgical technique. World J Surg Proced. 28; 8-12, 2013.
24.Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Yanagita S, Matsushita D, Arima H, Hirata M, Uchikado Y, Nakajo A, Okumura H,Ishigami S, Hokita S, Natsugoe S. Feasibility of sentinel node navigation surgery after noncurative endoscopic resection for early gastric cancer. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 28:1343-1347, 2013.
25.Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Ishigami S, Yanagita S, Hagihara T, Haraguchi N, Matsushita D, Hirahara T,Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Nakajo A, Hokita S, Natsugoe S. Clinical significance of stanniocalcin 2 expression as a predictor of tumor progression in gastric cancer. Oncol Rep. 30:2838-2844, 2013.
26.Omoto I, Owaki T, Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Matsumoto M, Kita Y, Sasaki K, Setoyama T, Arigami T,Uenosono Y, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S. A case of superficial esophageal carcinoma with papilloma resected by en bloc endoscopic submucosal dissection. Esophagus. Published online: 16 November 2013
27.Hagihara T, Uenosono Y, Arigami T, Kozono T, Arima H, Yanagita S, Hirata M, Ehi K, Okumura H,Matsumoto M, Uchikado Y, Ishigami S, Natsugoe S : Assessment of Sentinel Node Concept in Esophageal Cancer Based on Lymph Node Micrometastasis. Ann Surg Oncol. 20:3031-3037. 2013.
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10.白尾一定, 本吉佳世:スムーズなNST運営のコツと加算対象症例抽出のポイントNutrition Care 6:36-37,2013.
1.Shinchi H, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Kurahara H, Sakoda M, Ueno S, Hiraki Y, Nakajo M, Natsugoe S, Takao S.: A phase II study of oral S-1 with concurrent radiotherapy followed by chemotherapy with S-1 alone for locally advanced pancreatic cancer. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 19(2):152-8, 2012.
2.Ishigami S, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Matsumoto M, Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Nishizono Y, Maemura K, Kijima Y, Nakajo A, Owaki T, Ueno S, Hokita S, Natsugoe S. Cancerous HLA class I expression and regulatory T cell infiltration in gastric cancer. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 61:1663-9, 2012.
3.Ishigami S, Arigami T, Okubo K, Sasaki K, Kurahara H, Uenosono Y, Okumura H, Owaki T, Kijima Y, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. Successful treatment of advanced gastric adenocarcinoma with portal tumor thrombosis by total gastrectomy following CDDP and S-1 therapy. Clin J Gastroenterol 5:230–233, 2012.
4.Owaki T, Matsumoto M, Okumura H, Uchicado Y, Kita Y, Setoyama T, Sasaki K, Sakurai T, Omoto I, Shimada M, Sakamoto F, Yoshinaka H, Ishigami S, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. Endoscopic ultrasonography is useful for monitoring the tumor response of neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Am J Surg. 203:191-197, 2012.
5.Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Matsumoto M, Owaki T, Kita Y, Omoto I, Sasaki K, Sakurai T, Setoyama T, Nabeki B, Matsushita D, Ishigami S, Hiraki Y, Nakajo M, Natsugoe S. Prognostic factors in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy. Int J Clin Oncol. Feb 18, 2012.
6.Nakajo A, Arima H, Hirata M, Mizoguchi T, Kijima Y, Mori S, Ishigami S, Ueno S, Yoshinaka H, Natsugoe S. Trans-Oral Video-Assisted Neck Surgery (TOVANS). A new transoral technique of endoscopic thyroidectomy with gasless premandible approach.Surgical Endoscopy. Nov 21, 2012.
7.Sakoda M, Ueno S, Iino S, Minami K, Ando K, Kawasaki Y, Kurahara H, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Endoscopic versus Open Radiofrequency Ablation for Treatment of Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma. World J Surg. 37(3):597-601,2012.
8.Kijima Y, Yoshinaka H, Hirata M, Umekita Y, Souta, Koriyama C, Kaneko K, Mizoguchi T, Ishigami S, Arima H, Nakajo A, Funasako Y, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. Clinical and pathological evaluation of free dermal fat graft after breast conservative surgery and immediate breast reconstruction. Surgery 151(3): 444-455, 2012.
9.Kijima Y, Yoshinaka H, Hirata M, Mizoguchi T, Ishigami S, Nakajo A, Arima H, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. Oncoplastic surgery in a Japanese patient with breast cancer in the lower inner quadrant area: partial mastectomy using horizontal reduction mammoplasty. Breast cancer. DOI 10.1007/s12282-010-0250-5.
10.Kijima Y, Yoshinaka H, Hirata M, Mizoguchi T, Ishigami S, Arima H, Nakajo A, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. Immediate reconstruction using a modified inframammary adipofascial flap after partial mastectomy. Surgery Today. 10.1007/s00595-012-0390-7.
11.Kijima Y, Yoshinaka H, Hirata M, Nakajo A, Arima H, Ishigami S, Arigami T, Okumura H, Natsugoe S. Immediate volume replacement using modified free dermal fat graft from lateral abdomen for a patient with early breast cancer. Int Canc Conf J. DOI 10.1007/s13691-012-0071-9.
12.Kurahara H, Takao S, Maemura K, Mataki Y, Kuwahata T, Maeda K, Ding Q, Sakoda M, Iino S, Ishigami S, Ueno S, Shinchi H, Natsugoe S. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition and mesenchymal-epithelial transition via regulation of ZEB-1 and ZEB-2 expression in pancreatic cancer. J Surg Oncol. 105(7): 655-661, 2012.
13.Kurahara H, Takao S, Kuwahata T, Nagai T, Ding Q, Maeda K, Shinchi H, Mataki Y, Maemura K, Matsuyama T, Natsugoe S. Clinical significance of folate receptor β-expressing tumor-associated macrophages in pancreatic cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 19(7): 2264-2271, 2012.
14.Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Yanagita S, Nakajo A, Ishigami S, Okumura H, Kijima Y, Ueno S, Natsugoe S: Clinical Significance of Lymph Node Micrometastasis in Gastric Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol, 2012.
15. Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Ishigami S, Hagihara T, Haraguchi N, Matsushita D, Yanagita S, Nakajo A, Okumura H, Hokita S, Natsugoe S: Expression of Stanniocalcin 1 as a Potential Biomarker of Gastric Cancer. Oncology;83:158-164, 2012.
16.Kamikihara T, Ishigami S, Arigami T, Matsumoto M, Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Kurahara H, Kijima Y, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. Clinical implications of N-cadherin expression in gastric cancer. Pathology International. 62:161-166, 2012
17.Kita Y, Okumura H, Uchikado Y, Sasaki K, Omoto I, Matsumoto M, Setoyama T, Tanoue K, Mori S, Owaki T, Ishigami S, Ueno S, Kajiya Y, Natsugoe S : Clinical significance of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose position emission tomography in superficial esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. Dec 3. 2012.
18. Baba K, Ishigami S, Arigami T, Uenosono Y, Okumura H, Matsumoto M, Kurahara H, Uchikado Y, Kita Y, Kijima Y, Kitazono M, Shinchi H, Ueno S, Natsugoe S. Mesothelin expression correlates with prolonged patient survival in gastric cancer. J Surg Oncol.;105:195-199, 2012.
19. Hayashi T, Ding Q, Kuwahata T, Maeda K, Miyazaki Y, Matsubara S, Obara T, Natsugoe S, Takao S. Interferon-alpha modulates the chemosensitivity of CD133-expressing pancreatic cancer cells to gemcitabine. Cancer Sci. 103(5):889-96. 2012.
1.Matsushita S, Ikeda R, Fukushige T, Tajitsu Y, Gunshin K, Okumura H, Ushiyama M, Akiyama S, Kawai K, Takeda Y, Yamada K, Kanekura T. p53R2 is a prognostic factor of melanoma and regulates proliferation and chemosensitivity of melanoma cells. J Dermatol Sci. 68(1):19-24, 2012.